The Dynamic Piano Service

Craftsman Ethos, Driving Diligence
Pianos are some of the finest instruments hands have ever crafted. Piano makers have always taken a great deal of pride in their craftsmanship. From the perfect glue joint to a well made set of keys, pianos are extraordinarily complex instruments. This is why proper maintenance and care are critical to lifelong enjoyment of an instrument. Tuning, as well as regulation can prevent costly damage to your piano. Regular service by a qualified and registered technician is the best preventative maintenance money can buy.
Tuning is arguably the most important basic maintenance for your instrument. Most piano manufacturers will suggest that you have your piano professionally tuned at least two times a year (every six months). If the piano has not been tuned for quite awhile, a pitch correction may be necessary to get the instrument back to "standard" pitch or A440hz.

Regulation is alignment and adjustment to all the moving parts of the keyboard and "action." A full regulation is recommended every five or so years, but consistent, quality service can often extend the life of a good regulation considerably. Some signs of poor regulation include sluggish keys, bad repetition, misfiring or double-striking notes, and lack of dynamic control.

Voicing and tone control are essential for good dynamics and color. Sometimes even moving your piano to a different room can change the character of the instrument considerably and while we generally can't voice the room, we can voice the hammers! Voicing is the solution if you don't like the range of tonal color your instrument gives you. Whether it's bright and glassy or dull and flat voicing can change the character of a piano considerably.

From time to time, pianos need more extensive repairs. Action parts can often break without regular service. But the action is not the only part of the piano under stress. Much of the piano is constructed from wood utilizing methods called "precision joinery." Glue is actually stronger than wood but over time, the expansion and contraction of the wood -due to humidity fluctuations - can weaken these critical glue joints, causing parts to separate and fail.

Pianos can become quite dirty throughout their lifetime and keeping them clean is a good way to protect your investment. I offer a few different cleaning packages to suit your needs.

Sforzando is equipped with years of experience in the Piano industry. After graduating the North Bennet Street School with a Diploma of Piano Technology and as a Registered Piano Technician, Alex J. Young brought his business down to San Antonio, Texas. Alex is the owner of Sforzando Piano, which maintains a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction throughout the region.

Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.
(989) 992-9874